Sunday, August 15, 2010
New Beginnings
Not much new has been going on in my life. Im still working as a nurse aid on the neurology floor at Hendrick Medical Center. I love my job. I work nights, which can be rough, but its working out. I've learned SO much about nursing, and medicine, and just the overall human experience. I love being able to make someones hospital stay the most positive experience it can be. Its just awesome!
Im starting school in a week and half. Yikes! It sometimes makes me feel bad that most of the people I graduated high school with have already graduated college, but now is the right time for me to be there. I have done so much the last 6 years, and learned so much about myself and what I want out of my life. I taking 4 classes, 13 credit hours. Im taking 3 online courses- English, Sociology, and Texas Government (dont ask me why thats a required class...I live in Texas. They're very proud.) And Im also taking Elementary Algebra with a lab. Im nervous and excited about going to school. Its been a LONG time since I've been in the world of homework, assignments, and tests. It will definitly be an adjustment. Especially because the last time I did that I was working part time and living with Mom. Now Im on my own with rent and a car payment, and it seems like more and more bills. I work 48-60 hours a week, and in order to pay all those bills I still will work that much while Im in school. Its going to be crazy but Im determined to be happy and successful. I cant wait to have the letters RN at the end of my name! :)
Speaking of the car payment...I did buy a new car about 2 months ago! I had driven to Arizona to visit my friend Rachel, and on the way home (about 30 minutes into the drive) another car had decided to turn around on the freeway. As she was coming back onto my side of the freeway from the median, she ran right into me. I'd never been the driver in a car accident and it scared me to death! Physically I was fine, and so was the other driver, but my car was a mess. She hit me on the drivers side door and it wouldnt open when I tried to get out. That began a 6 week process of settling the accident. After that whole ordeal, my tolerance and respect for car insurance people went down the toilet! It was the most miserable experience ever. Thankfully, I have a great friend in Abilene who let me use her car for a month while I was fighting with American Family Insurance. It was a humbling experience to have to rely on her so much, but Im so grateful to have her. The whole experience turned out to be a blessing. I got a check for $1,000 more than what I paid for my car, and I was able to put a down payment on my new car. What was even more amazing was that I was able to get financed all on my own. It was a proud moment. :) I got a 2009 Mazda 6. I LOVE it! It has air conditioning and starts everytime I turn the key (which I couldnt say about my Maxima!)
Thats about what my life has been the last few months. Im looking forward to this new chapter of my life and have set goals for myself that I will do anything to achieve. One of those is to get back into my running and developing a healthy lifestyle. More on that to come...
I love and miss you all! Come visit sometime!
xoxo, Jess
Monday, April 19, 2010
Race Results
2010 Salt Lake City Half Marathon
Oh my goodness! Its 2 days later and my legs still hurt! It was such a good experience though. I originally wanted to run the full marathon, but due to my work schedule I wasnt able to train like I wanted to and only felt somewhat prepared to maybe run the half. Most days I was running 2-3 miles at the gym before work. I had a 6 mile run one day, but up until Sunday the 11th that was the farthest I'd run. On the 11th I had a course mapped out in Abilene that I approximated was about 10 miles. The week leading up to that I had been sick with a head cold and some upper respiratory stuff, but I knew I had to get a good run in.
That Sunday came, I woke up early and took off. My lungs felt like they were on fire, but I just had to keep moving. I made it those 10 miles, in 2 and a half hours. I walked a good portion of it. After that I only ran a couple more days before I would run 13 miles in SLC. Needless to say, I was a little concerned!
I chose to run in SLC because thats where my family is and I knew it would mean a lot to my parents to be able to support me in something like that. I brought my good friend Kristen with my from Abilene to watch me run too. I was so nervous as I was headed up to the start line, knowing full well that I could barely make it 10 miles just a week ago. Now, I was about to embark on a 13 mile jaunt.
As I began the run, I just kept thinking "I wont stop until at least the 5th mile!" It was super motivating seeing all those other runners. I just started running and waited and waited to see the first mile marker. It didnt show up until mile 3, and when I saw that I was super excited because I was feeling great. There was another mile marker at 4, but then another didnt show up until 6. And at 6 I was still running. I hadnt stopped and I was feeling really good knowing that I was about halfway and still hadnt stopped.
It wasnt until the 9th mile that I stopped running and started walking. And let me just tell you it took my legs a second to adjust! It was the weirdest feeling. I walked just long enough to take off one of my shirts, get a rock out of my shoe, and stretch my legs a little. Then I was off again. I ran until I hit the 11th mile. Between the 11th and 12th mile I was running up State Street in downtown SLC. I was starting to slow down, and would run a block, and then walk a block. I was getting tired! I hit mile 12, knew I only had 1.1 miles to go and used every little bit of energy I had left to run it.
I thought I was about to kill over until I turned into the Gateway mall and saw the street lined with people and I knew the finish line was just right there! I got a rush of adrenaline and picked up the speed. In the video, I realize Im not moving very fast, but at that point it sure felt like it! I was grateful to see my family there at the finish, and I was grateful just to be finished!
If you wouldve asked me if I was glad I ran the day of the race, my reaction wouldnt be the most positive. But now, I am so glad I was able to do it. I was able to prove to myself that my body is a powerful tool that God has given me, and that it is capable of way more than I give it credit for. I realized that my spirit is more determined than I thought and my possibilities are limitless. I didnt let my fear and worry stop me from finishing the race. I did it!! And it feels SO good!
Im grateful that my mom, dad, Lilly, and Kristen were there for me at the finish. They were a motivation as I ran, knowing they were there waiting. And Im really grateful Kristen came from Abilene with me. She's been my gym buddy and super motivating from the very beginning.
Im going to keep running. Some day, in the near future, I'll run a full marathon. Because I know I can!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Warm weather makes me smile!
A quick update on my life...Im still living in Abilene, TX. I was going to try and move back to Cali last fall, but it just wasnt working out. So, I figure the Lord still needs me here. I just wish He would hurry up and tell me why! Im working at Hendrick Medical Center as a nurse aid. I love love love my job (most of the time.) I love being a part of peoples lives, and making what is a really crappy experience a little bit better. And I guess the "crappy" part could be taken literally with some of my older, less continent patients. I always seem to have a good poop story! :)
Other than work, my life is pretty boring. I have plans to start school at the local community college this summer and work towards being a nurse when I grow up.
It has finally started to warm up here in Texas. It snowed WAY too much this winter. That shouldnt happen in Texas, but it does. Warm weather is bitter sweet though, seeing as how I dont have air conditioning in my car! But, I'll take that over snow anyday!
I have made some great friends here and Im happy with what my life is like right now. I stay busy, and somehow manage to pay the rent every month! Life is good.
I hope y'all are doing well. I love and miss everyone!
xoxo, Jess